This is The Hood- No Better Place to Be

I woke up with a little foot in my face today. It belonged to my youngest little ninja kicker who just turned 5. For 5 years he has somehow managed to sneak in our bed every night, most times without us knowing and dominate our bed. His love language is called snuggle. And he speaks his love language by laying directly on top of me or by nestling himself next to me and digging his feet into my body. I literally think he's trying to climb back inside the womb. Sorry bud, not happening. Let's just say I'm going on 5 years of no sleep despite my years of trying everything known to man and 5 years of breaking my own rule of no kids in my bed. On the flip side that's 5 years of pure snuggling love. But whoa man, I'm tired.
My pre-teen broke her arm a few weeks ago and every morning is a like engaging in warfare. I can't do her hair the way she has envisioned and so naturally I'm the bad guy.
I make food that people don't eat. That's awesome. I love to spend my time buying and making food that I end up throwing away. Because I'm so bored, why not do that?
Sometimes life gets all kinds of crazy and I forget to return library books, or pick up dance costumes on time and I spend unnecessary amounts of money on late fees. Sometimes I stay in pajamas all day and do every thing I can to avoid mirrors. Sometimes it's an accomplishment to brush my teeth.
Sometimes my son has to hang his school uniform sweater out the car window on the way to school because it just got pulled out of the washing machine. Wind totally doubles as a dryer. Yep, that happened today too. And the pre-teen covered her face as we pulled into the school because she was so embarrassed.
Sometimes I sit in the pouring rain and freeze my tush off because I love to watch my son play soccer. Sometimes I cry all day because I worry about the little ninja kickers I am raising and hope that I am teaching them something, anything that will be valuable in their future.
Sometimes I get puked on in the middle of the night and that is never any fun. You can read more about that great time and all that I learned through that experience here.
Sometimes my house is in total disarray because I bit off more than I can chew. Sometimes I trip over myself because I get in my own way.
There's a lot more "sometimes" I could write about but I've already reached the TMI limit.
So on to the point. There is only one place I know of where you get kicked in the face, puked on, beat up on a consistent basis, yelled at for helping, mocked for your cooking efforts, pushed to your limits and then go back for more.
Who are the crazy people that go back for a second round of gangbuster warfare?
Those that live in the hood.
Perfect definition of Gangsta's paradise. So, today I'm not talking about updating your house, or increasing value and I'm not going to tell you to paint your house white. Again. Today I'm going to tell all the people that live in this crazy hood that you're doing a fantastic job. You're enough and you're normal. You're tired and that's okay. We all are. You're wonderful, you're loved, your job is the most valuable job there is. Those little people that kick and complain look up to you and love you more than any one on this earth. Motherhood is the place where education and experience are ranked off the charts. You can not surpass the learning that comes from being a mother. You can not surpass the love that comes from a mother either.
Mother's day is a in a few short days and I just want to remind everyone that's reading this to hug a mother.
Ha ha, that sounded funny. Actually, you know what your mom wants? Either eat the food she so thoughtfully cooked for you, or better yet, make your mother something. Tell her you love her in a way that she will appreciate.
And mother's, remember your worth. Remember you are amazing and this job is a funny, hard, sad, lonely, rewarding, not-rewarding, awesome, not awesome, full of lots of opposites and opposition but like I said here, it is the art of motherhood, the creation of those beings, that actually creates us.
We become our best self because of our role in the hood. And that is regardless of whether you gave birth, adopted, are single, without children, etc... This hood is where women come together and nurture the world.
Motherhood is the greatest place to be.
Hooray! You don't need a paint brush to live there! You don't even have to get dressed! You just have to love and keep loving and remember what matters most and be there for those little bodies.
Happy Mother's Day!
For your TMI viewing pleasure, here is a slideshow of what motherhood looked like on my phone this last month...

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Mandy Cheney is a contributing Blogger for Prime Residential